Welcome to ÓmHave community a space created with the aim to make your everyday moments more pleasant and miraculous. In community and our small garden you can let your mind to be free, enhance your creativity, share thoughts and ideas. It is a space for miracle solutions and warm meetings.
In the season, various kinds of flowers and herbs shall be your company.
If you join the community or visit the garden you can simply watch them and observe the beauty of the garden but you are also welcome to touch and taste. Make yourself a tea or bring some flowers to the ones that you love.
Remember to do so with respect to others and this space, do not take more than you need and always give thanks to the nature.
ÓmHave is community driven project where we show our gratitude to nature through different projects. This tiny garden was build with intention to support local biodiversity and experiment with gardening.
Interested? Join the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/omhaveurbangarden